Case YouTube

Promotion of medical Youtube channel: increasing organic traffic and monetization

About our client 

Half a year ago we were approached by a rehabilitative medicine center. Their request was to increase the number of views and subscribers on Youtube channel which is devoted to health issues. The client was also interested in increasing monetization from the channel.

Before the agency was contacted the Center's channel already had almost 170 thousand subscribers, and the videos were getting a good amount of views. So our goal was not to change the format, but to add tools that would increase traffic. 


Improving the position of the video and the channel with a large audience, requires a comprehensive approach. To do this:

- Thought through a new design concept;
- discussed the content strategy and made recommendations;
- optimized descriptions and titles of the old videos;
- We adjusted the strategy of work in the channel's community;
- We used the new format Youtube Shorts and live broadcasts for organic promotion;

After approval and preparation, we proceeded to semiotic work on the channel. 

Paid promotion 

Since the channel already had good results in terms of organic traffic which needed to be increased, we included paid advertising in the strategy. It was decided to choose the format of Video ads in the feed (Discovery) and promote the best videos through it with a closed link. 

* Many people run ads on individual videos, but when there is good organic traffic - it is better to abandon this step. Our approach will not reduce retention on other videos, but will only allow you to get new audiences from the ad videos. 

Ads in this format are shown by Youtube in search results, lists of similar videos and on the home page of the mobile app. 

Video ad campaigns use either a trailer or a few of the most popular videos in the feed. We chose the second option because it was important for us to show the usefulness of the content on the channel. We also worked out the audience additionally and added new segments for Youtube ads.

The results

The number of subscribers grew by 306 thousand after half a year of work, while the total number of views reached more than 14 million. 

Here is a comparison of the figures for two time intervals to demonstrate the growth of the audience more vividly. The purple bars and numbers on the right are channel statistics for the first six months, before we were contacted. The blue bars and numbers on the left are statistics for the six months that we have been working on promoting the channel. 

Here are also the overall channel statistics for the six months of our work. 

And for the six  months before we applied to the company

The following screenshot shows the power and role of organics on the channel
. More than 220 million impressions, of which 92.3% come from the display of icons in the recommended sources.

During the past few months of promotion, a large contribution to the channel has been made by videos in the Shorts format. These are small videos of up to 1 minute in length. They collect views in a separate feed, which is very popular on Youtube right now. Now Shorts, like TikTok, gets the most organics through unique algorithms. 

Analytics on individual short videos: 

The first video brought in about 9,200 new subscribers and over 433,000 views. At the same time, it has been indexed for more than 50 days and continues to gain views. The percentage of views indicates that some users return to the video more than once.

Below are the views of this video. As you can see, in the early days, it wasn't doing very well. But over time, it has grown in numbers. This is a prime example of how Youtube algorithms work. The period of time that videos bring in new views and subscribers can be very long. But the results don't come instantly.

And the following video didn't immediately start gaining a lot of views (as you can see from the second graph). But it has a good record of subscriber growth and viewer retention. That is why it works successfully in the Shorts feed. 


The Shorts format played a big role in the organic promotion, as well as properly optimized quality content. We want to emphasize on this: even the most useful videos require competent optimization, otherwise they do not bring maximum results. 

We obtained the paid traffic thanks to the right strategy. It brought new subscribers without harming the channel. As a result, we managed to fulfill the main task - to increase the number of subscribers and views.

Are you interested in promoting your Youtube channel? If you need to promote your Youtube channel, turn to 4Limes. Just leave a request and our specialist will contact you in the nearest time for consultation.
2022-05-09 13:08 B2C Organic