Case YouTube

Promotion of the Portuguese language school: more than 1,755 registrations for a master class up to $0.29

About the client

This case is directed to an online educational platform specializing in the study of the Portuguese language. We were contacted by a company that is interested in increasing the number of students in their online courses, and is looking for effective advertising solutions to achieve this goal. We are ready to help them in this process by developing a strategy that will help them reach their target audience and increase the number of people who enroll in Portuguese courses. We signed an NDA with them, so we will not disclose the names and the name of the channel.
The campaign seeks to expand its presence in the market by identifying its target audience and targeting the right niche. One of the elements of the company's product matrix isproviding a free master class in Portuguese, which allows potential students to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the language and decide on admission to a paid course of study.


Client: online Portuguese language school
GEO: English-speaking and Spanish-speaking audience in Portugal
Target: more than 1000 registrations for a free master class
Traffic: YouTube - Video Action
Conversion cost:up to $1.5
Term of the work:2 weeks
The target audience: women and men, 24 - 35 years
In order to drive targeted traffic into the sales funnel, we developed a strategy that included the launch of three commercials inviting visitors to our free workshop. We have also created a remarketing video that targets users who have shown interest in our products in order to convince them to learn more about our services. This approach will help us attract interested users and improve the effectiveness of our strategy. We will also track metrics such as conversions and cost per customer acquisition to measure promotion results.


We always follow the best practices to make your advertising campaigns successful.Before each new project, we take the time to analyze the key components, because this allows us to clearly identify the most important areas and priorities. During the preliminary preparation, we conduct a detailed analysis, namely:
  • We define the target audience: who our target audience is, what they are looking for, what problems they solve, and how we can help them solve them.
  • Determine the type of ad: we choose the type of ad that best suits our goals. For example, we may use in-stream ads that appear before, during, or after watching a video, or intro ads that appear before a video starts.
  • We help to create the “right” video: we develop high-quality video scripts that will attract the attention of the target audience. We double-check and make sure that the video reflects the brand and includes a clear call to action that will help us achieve our business goals.
  • We set up an advertising campaign: in Google Ads and select the appropriate parameters, such as budget, geographic area and target audience.
  • Measure results: Track metrics such as views, conversions, and cost per customer acquisition to evaluate campaign performance. This data helps to optimize our campaign and improve its results.
  • Analyze and improve: after the end of the campaign, we analyze the results and use the knowledge gained to improve your next campaign.
It is important for us to provide the highest quality of service and continuous improvement for our customers. We provide customers with a great experience, high-quality services, guarantee success and create value for them.

YouTube Ads Promotion Strategy

We chose YouTube advertising as our key strategy for promoting our online Portuguese language school for a variety of reasons. Firstly, the YouTube platform is one of the most popular in the world and has a huge user base. This gives us the opportunity to reach a large number of potential customers who may be interested in our products or services.
Secondly, YouTube video ads are an effective way to convey a message. The video format allows us to use visual and audio elements to capture the attention of viewers and connect them emotionally with our brand. In addition, we can easily tailor content to different target audiences and use various advertising formats, such as commercials on the home page.
The "YouTube - Video Action" tool was used to optimize the advertising campaign. This tool allows you to add call-to-action (CTA) buttons to YouTube video ads. You can choose between different CTAs such as "Buy Now", "Sign Up" or "Visit Site" and customize them to suit your needs.
Thus, viewers can immediately go to our site after they have viewed the video ad. This greatly simplifies the conversion process for potential customers and can increase sales.
The advantage of "YouTube - Video Action" is that it provides us with detailed analytics that helps to optimize the performance of advertising campaigns. We can find out how many people clicked on our CTA, how many of them went to the site, and how many of them made a purchase. This information helps you improve your advertising strategy to get more conversions.

Targeting in YouTube, we proposed to set up according to the following criteria:

Interests: those who previously watched the video on the channel and channel subscribers
Key queries:"coursesPortuguese language”, “Portuguese language online”, “how to learn Portuguese quickly” and more.
By audience: Special Audiences – competitor sites and similar channels, mixed audiences, interested buyers and similar to site visitors (from analytics).
It was the audiences that worked best with those who had previously watched the content. Since the company has an active channel and targeted content is being created.

Promotion results

We started our advertising campaign by launching three main commercials and one remarketing video using various types of promotional calls. Our main task was to attract as many registrations as possible to our free master class.
What results did we get:
Reporting period: 17.01 - 31.01
Budget used: 500$
Users covered: 5 741
Completed conversions:1 755
Conversion cost: 0,29$
Good results with video advertising for free master classes is only possible if when the client must have a sales department.


The advertising campaign for the online Portuguese language school on YouTube achieved impressive results, indicating its success. The remarketing audience (channel subscribers) demonstrates the best conversion rates, thus confirming the high efficiency of promotion among the existing customer base. The channel continues to attract new subscribers, which indicates stable traffic due to the advertising campaign. A significant role in this is played by the content of the channel, which introduces users to the company and its products, thereby increasing their willingness to purchase. Moreover, the cost of applying for a free master class is low, which may indicate a higher level of conversion to sales compared to a cold audience. Considering the above factors, it can be concluded that the YouTube advertising campaign is highly effective and has the potential to be further scaled up to increase sales and expand the business.
Interested in promoting your business on YouTube? Contact 4Limes! Leave a request and our specialist will contact you shortly for a consultation.
2023-04-03 09:30 B2C Traffic