Case YouTube

Organic promotion of the YouTube channel: +165,000 subscribers in 3 months

About the client

We were approached by an online school of psychology and self-development. This business is promoted through the personal brand of the owner as a leading expert. We signed an NDA with the client, so we will not disclose the names and the name of the channel.

The channel focuses on several topics: women's psychology, business psychology and self-development. In the video answers frequent questions from the audience, give advice and techniques to help choose a direction for development. The client works in the Russian-speaking segment with clients all over the world. 

At the time of the start of work with us on the channel the client already had 233 thousand subscribers.

The task of

The main objective of our cooperation: growth of the number of 30-40.000 subscribers per month. Previously, the maintenance and promotion of the channel was completely organic.

When we start working with large YouTube channels, we start with the audit of the channel and determine the points of growth. It is also important to correctly determine what content is best for the permanent and new audience on the channel.

One of the key metrics of channel development is attracting new audiences and building them into a regular audience. To do this, we work through the following steps: 

  • Analysis. We additionally conduct a niche analysis to identify key competitors, content topic formats that gain them maximum reach and audience response.

  • Content. As in the promotion of large YouTube channels the key tool is content, so when working with a client we always create a content plan and once a week give the hot topics (which are relevant to shoot in the near future).

  • Seriality. The strategy of constant growth and development of large channels is based on locomotive videos.  These are the videos that get the most views on the channel and bring subscribers.  Therefore, if some topic in your channel "shot" during the introduction and created a video engine, it makes sense to make a few more videos on the topic that came up in the recommendations.

After the audit, we highlighted a number of problems: 

A fairly low CTR of the covers for the videos.
Poorly readable text on the cover, it's important to remember that most of the audience watches Youtube from mobile devices - as a result there are fewer impressions and views. 
It is recommended to make more minimalist covers, less text but larger, less different images so as not to overload the overall picture, a close-up photo, not overloaded, transmitting the essence - this will increase perception, CTR and clickbait.

Incorrect approach to working with video metadata.
  • When working with large channels, it's important to do clickbait titles of the first type - this will increase perception and CTR.
  • Videos don't have subtitles with keywords embedded
  • It's necessary to increase the description for the video, since the keyword description from the video title is stitched in and diluted into it
...and other little things that need to be refined.

The client didn't use live streaming.
This increases engagement on the channel and they rank well in recommendations and Youtube searches. As a consequence you will get more impressions, views, subscribers.

The client didn't use Youtube Shorts.
Youtube Shorts is excellent organically promoted by Youtube - bringing views, new audience and subscribers. 

Other than that, playlists were not optimized, the client did not maintain a community, stories, and more.

Work on the project.

After discussing the conclusions and recommendations for maintaining the channel and creating a content plan, the client started shooting the video and we did the optimization and maintenance of the channel on a turnkey basis.

What was included in our work 

  • Selection of titles and themes for the video display in the top 10 of Youtube, search results in Google and Yandex and promotion through similar videos
  • Selection of competitive key tags and hashtags 
  • Subtitle creation for the video 
  • Attractive video cover design
  • Proper video lay-out
  • Creating SEO video description in 500 characters, tags, hashtags
  • Writing the first 3 comments
  • Adding videos to the playlist according to the theme and cover art
  • Adding traffic generating links to each video
  • Adding stop, minus words to remove foul language and negativity under videos 
  • Maintaining community posts for new videos, live announcements and polls
  • Maintaining stories for new videos and themed ones on the channel's theme
  • Maintaining Youtube #Shorts
  • Planning and help with live broadcasts
  • Running through social bookmarking services
  • Launch and support of Paid Ads in Google Ads
  •             - Collecting search terms
  •             - Ad creation
  •             - Setting the best rates
  •             - Monitoring, correction and optimization of ads
  • Working on improving monetization of the channel (sponsorships, donates, super chats, applause, etc.)
  • Analyzing trends under hype content and new content formats for the channel
  • Review of content for the channel and recommendations for improvement
  • Optimizing old videos on the channel
  • Selection of channels for cooperation and audience exchange
  • Making a blogger portfolio
  • Listing on the bloggers and agencies to sell advertising on the channel
  • Promotion of the channel trailer
  • Buying advertising from bloggers
  • Buying link mass for increasing video weight and getting higher ranking in order to get to the TOP 10 of Youtube.
  • Analyzing the channel in Youtube Analytics and making recommendations
  • Reporting and output for the month of work 
  • Recommendations for improving the result (Channel development strategy, new formats search, consultation).

New content plan
6 Content videos
2 Live broadcasts 
8-12 YouTube shorts

Summary of 3 months of work

As part of the YouTube analytics there is a very important marker "Audience". It shows the presence of the permanent and new audience on the channel. The information about the new and regular viewers helps you in planning your content strategy. For example, if you're sticking to a single format, the Constant viewers indicator will tell you if you're keeping your audience.

Read more in the Youtube help:

Since the client set the goal of maximizing channel growth, we focused our strategy on attracting new audiences. Here are the results we got in the first month

The channel showed an increase of new viewers and as a result a good growth of +45.300 subscribers. Before that channel had an average growth of about 20.000 subscribers per month. 

Unfortunately the client was not able to prepare content for the second month with our updated content plan, so we used old videos that were filmed by the client a few months ago.

As a result, there was a slight drawdown in the growth of the channel, because the number of new viewers decreased, because the client has always filmed content only for the permanent audience and focus only on it. 

But due to the fact that we are already working with the channel comprehensively, the growth of 28,000 subscribers in any case was higher by 40% than the average before the client.

The client was already preparing all the content for the new period on our recommendations. We prepared a related content plan based on a deeper analysis of the content that viewers liked.  These were topics that were interesting to both new and regular audiences  

As a result we got just a gorgeous result +90.700 subscribers

The overall result of 3 months 

Promotion we had a fully organic and as a confirmation of screenshots from the sources of traffic:

Part of the advertising views that were present on the channel, this is a test advertising campaign, which was launched for the purpose of lead generation.


  • The client was satisfied with our work, as for three months we exceeded KPI of 40.000 subscribers per month.
  •  We continue our cooperation with the client as our goal is 1.000.000 subscribers on the channel.
  • We managed to achieve such a result due to the correctly built content plan, shooting of high-quality content by the client and complex maintenance of the channel promotion on a turn-key basis.
  • In addition, during the three months of work, we were able to improve all the figures that we had noticed during the audit of the channel at the stage of launching.

Are you Interested in promoting your Youtube channel?  Do you need to promote your Youtube channel? Contact 4Limes. Just leave your request and our specialist will contact you soon and give you all the necessary advice.
2022-05-09 13:10 B2C Organic