Case YouTube

Promotion of infoproducts: up to $1,29 per registration for a master class

About the client 

In this case study we will look at the work on the promotion of our client's infoproducts. We signed an NDA with him, so we will not disclose the names and the name of the channel. The client's company conducts dog training courses and has a number of online products in its product matrix: 

  • auto webinar - master class;
  • 2 free lessons;
  • basic course;
  • mentoring. 

All of these products are part of the same funnel. First, a potential customer sees a video with an invitation to a webinar, then he gets two free lessons, and after that he is offered to buy the main course. 


The goal of promotion is to get more targeted traffic to enter the funnel. That is, to run a commercial with an invitation to the webinar. 

The client has already tried promotion using Facebook and other social networks. But these sites were bringing registrations at a fairly high price - from $1.8 to $2.5 for a free product. So it was decided to consider a new source of traffic, namely YouTube. 

Client: online dog training courses 
GEO: Poland
Target: more than 3000 registrations for online webinar
Traffic: YouTube - TrueView for Action
Price per conversion: up to 2$  
Term of work: 1 month
Target audience: women and men, 24-35 years old / 


Before any promotion we conduct a preparatory session, which helps to highlight and prioritize the main areas of work. In preparation, we analyze:

- The state of the advertising cabinet and past launched campaigns;
- Quality of materials for advertising;
- The correctness of Google Analytics settings;
- The site to which the traffic will go. 

Next, we work through the offer that we will advertise. This is done by:

- Analysis of the needs and behavior of the target audience;
- the formation of TSR for each of the services of the business;
- working out of market positioning;
- writing of scripts for advertising;
- selection of solutions to analyze the results.

Strategy of promotion with the help of YouTube advertising

Promotion with the help of video marketing was chosen. Because this tool helps to attract attention and deliver a quality message.

For advertising we chose the format TrueView for Action. It allows you to increase the number of potential customers and conversions through a prominent call to action, an overlay* with a headline and the final splash screen in the ad. An overlay in an ad is a button that appears on top of the ad. When you click on it, the user is taken to the advertiser's website or other site.

Targeting on YouTube, we suggested that you set up according to the following criteria:
  • Places of placement: blogs of dog trainers, recommendations on raising dogs, and so on. 
  • Interests: pet products, pet lovers, dog lovers and more. 
  • Key queries: "training," "how to wean ..." and more. 
  • By audience: special audiences, mixed audiences, interested customers. 


It is relevant to connect a remarketing campaign on YouTube. It will be shown to users who have interacted with the site and Youtube channel.

Promotion results  

We started the launch with three main videos and 1 remarketing video, where we used several types of advertising appeals. The main goal was to get signups for a free product.  

What results we got:
Reporting period: 01.01 - 31.01
Used budget: $4,425
Perfected conversions: 3 423
The cost of the conversion: $1,29


Campaigns showed good results during the reporting period. The CPL was reduced by 5% compared to other sites. In this situation we managed to bring in more conversions at a lower cost which in turn gives a good prospect for growth of indicators in the future. In the future we plan to work on expanding the coverage, because we have reached the limit in the given targeting during this campaign. 

Interested in promoting your business on YouTube? Contact 4Limes! Leave your request and our specialist will contact you soon for a consultation. 
2022-05-09 13:11 B2C Traffic